Saturday, June 14, 2008


He's Lost. No boundaries.
He carries no flags, no marks.
People try to guess where he's from.
He carries no identification.
No pictures o where he's been.
Where is he going? Only he knows.
He knows the roads. He has the information.
But he certainly stands out in a crowd.

The only thing that can identify him
are stories.
Tales of body movement.
Deep voice that captivates.
Charisma, that keeps you next to him.
Eyes that scare you because of their intensity,
even though no remembers the color
it may be the same as his hair.

One girl said something of strong, delicate
soft child-man-like hands
that were constantly moving,
caressing, holding her.
This sounds like an oxymoron.

Another lady said he had an Elvis quality.
Nice clothes, wild hair.
One feature she describes in detail...
He has pouting lips, sot to the touch.
Its was like kissing a peach, fuzzy.
He could kiss by the book.

Others describe...
A young man who was always happy
but seamed moody.
He flourished and was at his best at night...
Maybe he was an astrologer...
He liked the stars, he lived by the moon...
Maybe he was a cancer.

Not enough information to composite sketch
because he sounds like a lot of young men out there.
But they say, he has a lasting quality on them
changed their lives in some way.
An angel, protector, lover.

He has no material things
He can't walk away from,
but it would seem no love.

If he's out there I'm sure a loving woman
will capture him,
pull him into her state. Her state of being.
Her openness to frank speech. Dialects.
Her constant struggles. Body.
Keep him entangled for hours in debate. Conversation.

But we might lost him again
If he chooses to explore he neither regions. Body.
Fixed upside down. Eyes.

If you look you will see his eyes on you.
smell clean scent, He has been and gone.
Think you heard him. But it was the radio.
Wake next to him. A Dream...
merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a Dream.

Wake and Create.
A Dream is a State.
A State of Vision.
A Visionary

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