Monday, June 30, 2008

Buttercups & Blue Sky

I lay my head
down beside the pond.
I cross my fingers
behind my head.

My cabasa
lies beside
the white & yellow

I stare up at the
deep, blue sky.
The white, fluffy clouds.
The bright, yellow sun.
The sky painted
a soft, white blue.
My hands behind
my head,
I think of You.

Your tan skin.
Your light, brown hair.
Your green eyes
upon me.

Hair tied up
like a fairy princess.
Ties different colors
blowing in the wind.

Your mouth
the door to your breath
moves just enough.

Your hands
make things dance
with the slightest touch

The whole time
a buttercup
in my hand.

Is she my wo-man?

She loves me

She loves me not.

Playing forget me nots
with the petals
of the flower.

I hope my love
does not go sour.

It seems I am an absolute
I hope I am not a lucky

She loves me.
You wait and see.

If only
knew me.

Oh well,
Back to my Sky.

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